
Visa fullständig version : Tada! Nu 1,5 miljoner tillverkade MINI:sar

2009-07-06, 22:26
MINI has turned out 1.5 million cars. Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the brand, MINI Plant Oxford celebrates a production milestone.
Official Release: Just weeks after the official 50th birthday celebration for the brand at the Silverstone track, the MINI plant in Oxford claims another milestone. Since production began in 2001, 1.5 million MINI units have been produced there.


Det tillverkas MINI:sar nästan lika flitigt som Fredrik "postar"...:D

2009-07-06, 22:27
Det tillverkas MINI:sar nästan lika flitigt som Fredrik "postar"...:D

ja eller lika flitigt som nämnd fredrik postar sina bilder ;-)