
Visa fullständig version : MINI E - 40 bilar för utvärdering i UK

2009-07-01, 06:51
Se följande länk om MINI E och testet i UK från The Switchback:

2009-07-01, 09:11

Jag kollade in en Tesla Roadster som stod utanför mitt kontor igår. Fy tusan vad häftig! Varvstopp vid 13000 rpm och helt tyst, förutom däcken som tjuter!!! Nu vill jag ha en sån! :D

2009-07-01, 09:50
So the UK Govt is spending £25 million (314,491,623 SEK) of what appears to be public money on 8 cars (£3 million a pop), that use environmentally questionable materials, and who benefits in the unlikely event that they're deemed a success? BMW, who will then flog loads of 'em.

I hope if you do buy one that you don't have far to travel as the e-mini has a range of c.160km and costs c.51:- to recharge, from the UK's coal-fired power station electricity. Oh yeah, there's no back seat either.