
Visa fullständig version : A newbie coming?

2008-10-03, 17:35
Looks like there's going to be a new engelskman on his way over http://www.mini2.com/forum/general-discussion/162993-leaving-uk-moving-sweden.html#post3562934 ;) :D

2008-10-03, 17:52
:D Hi everyone the new Englishman would be me :D

2008-10-03, 19:15
Hello and welcome!

Nice name :cool:


2008-10-03, 19:28
:D Hi everyone the new Englishman would be me :D
Hiya Nick :D

2008-10-03, 20:15
great job kalle... "lappade" you N20?

2008-10-03, 20:23
Hi Nick (N20), we will be more than happy to welcome you to NMCS (New MINI Club Sweden).
If you have questions about something, please feel free to start a thread, ask in a thread or send me a PM.
We are a nice bunch of MINI enthusiasts with various events, check out the "evenemang" threads for info - if a translation is required, just say so and we are there for you :)

Welcome to Sweden 8)

2008-10-03, 20:59
Thank you :)

I am really looking forward to moving to Sweden and meeting you all and I can't wait to get a Clubman :cool:

Hopefully it won't take me too long to learn Swedish :)

2008-10-03, 21:28
"lappade" you N20?Nej men jag stressad honom pa MINI2 ;)

Naaaaj Nick is just more than welcome :woot:

2008-10-03, 22:45
swedish is one of the hardest language to learn.. :) no just kidding.. Nice with one more clubman here.


Green Meanie
2008-10-03, 23:25
Welcome to the land of Systemet, sour fish and sour milk that has the same name as a file.