
Visa fullständig version : Dying for a pint

Green Meanie
2008-02-21, 20:46
OK, we have a local. When are we to descend on this inn of good fare and partake in a brew or three and some fish & chips? :beerchug:

2008-02-21, 21:08
Well I had a couple of Tanglefoots a little earlier. No chish n fips though :p

2008-02-21, 21:41
OK, we have a local. When are we to descend on this inn of good fare and partake in a brew or three and some fish & chips? :beerchug:

Aha, another "pubchef" - very good, Stephen, you can help me in getting more MINIsts to come to the pubevenings (and also ask my wife and two sons if they can let me out of the house :woot: ).

We´ll see if we can set a date, probably in the beginning of march (28/2 is the Ballbreaker evening). I´ll get back on this interesting subject :beerchug: