
Visa fullständig version : Augustiträffen - aktiviteter

2007-04-16, 11:27
Jag lurar på om vi ska ta en tur ut till Visingsö om vi besöker Gränna.
Det skulle vara kul om vi fyllde Visingsö-färjan med Minis.
Jag har inte kört på Visingsö själv, någon som har erfarenhet av detta, eller ska vi bara hålla oss på "fastlandet"?
Jag tror iofs att detta skulle vara en annorlunda avstickare.

Tankar och kommentarer, som alltid, emottages vänligen men bestämt :)

2007-04-17, 23:27
Tycker att denna tråd kan få ligga i allmänt då sommarträffen borde ha riktigt allmänintresse för alla här på forumet!

2007-04-18, 10:13
Gränna is where they make the candy?

Might be fun to take the ferry over to Visingsö. Is it possible to book it - there and back?

2007-04-19, 12:43
I will check and get back regarding the ferry-thingy :)

2007-04-19, 21:55
Gränna is where they make the candy?

Might be fun to take the ferry over to Visingsö. Is it possible to book it - there and back?

Not necessary or even possible to book as I remember. It's only a small Vägverket ferry like the one in Slagsta for example. Gränna and Visingsö is of course very nice places, even though I think the E4 between Gränna and Jönköping is even nicer. An odd thing about Visingsö is that the island has one of the worst problems with erosion (is that the same in english?) in Sweden. So Visingsö is getting smaller and smaller every year. So go before it´s to late, if you haven´t been there ;-).

2007-04-19, 22:04
Not necessary or even possible to book as I remember. It's only a small Vägverket ferry like the one in Slagsta for example. Gränna and Visingsö is of course very nice places, even though I think the E4 between Gränna and Jönköping is even nicer. An odd thing about Visingsö is that the island has one of the worst problems with erosion (is that the same in english?) in Sweden. So Visingsö is getting smaller and smaller every year. So go before it´s to late, if you haven´t been there ;-).

Samma problem som Stockholm då alltså??!

Same problem as Stockholm then??!


2007-04-19, 22:19
Stockholm växer ju på alla ledder!

Stockholm, snart i en stad nära dig :D