
Visa fullständig version : Pris på Eibach Springs?

2005-10-21, 08:49
http://www.lohen.co.uk tar 1950:- för Eibach Springs. Någon som vet något billigare ställe?http://www.lohenshop.co.uk/prodimages/eibachprokit.jpg

2005-10-21, 10:14
KW kostar £1 mindre och sänker mer.

Built by KW using their own specification developed in the motorsport environment. They lower the MINI 35mm all round. Ideal for road use, these springs lower the MINI slighty more than Eibach. With this in mind, not only will they look lower you will also notice a sportier ride than the Eibach springs, however they will give a slighty harder ride. The springs are TUV certified. Click details for more information. 'Best suited' for road/fast road use.

Jag har även tittat på Tein S Tech på eBay, ska inhandlas till våren.

2005-10-21, 10:57
KW kostar £1 mindre och sänker mer.

Built by KW using their own specification developed in the motorsport environment. They lower the MINI 35mm all round. Ideal for road use, these springs lower the MINI slighty more than Eibach. With this in mind, not only will they look lower you will also notice a sportier ride than the Eibach springs, however they will give a slighty harder ride. The springs are TUV certified. Click details for more information. 'Best suited' for road/fast road use.

Jag har även tittat på Tein S Tech på eBay, ska inhandlas till våren.

Tror personligen att KW kan upplevas lite väl stötigt för min smak. Vill ju inte behöva köra runt med njurbälte.....