
Visa fullständig version : Go MINI Go!

2014-01-10, 20:17
Det är gõtt att komma till jobbet och dra igång nattpasset på Ekot när man på nyhetsdatorn kan ta del av sån här informatioN-.


Sport: bilsport
SALTA, Argentina
sjätte etappen (465 km), bil

1) Stephane Peterhansel, Frankrike, Mini, 2.42.58, 2) Nasser al-Attiyah, Qatar, Mini, +2.43, 3) Orlando Terranova, Argentina, Mini, +5.20.

1) Nani Roma, Spanien, Mini, 22.11.28, 2) Terranova +30.30, 3) Peterhansel +33.23.

2014-01-10, 21:41
Gillar vi !! ;)

2014-01-10, 22:25
Peterhansel ÄR grym - han är för Dakar vad Tom Kristensen är för Le Mans - en guru :bowdown:

Urban Mini
2014-01-11, 10:36
Hämta hem 3:e placering efter att ha halkat ned till 9:e pga överdrivet många punkteringar är ju otroligt starkt. Topp fem är ju lycka att se på just nu. Vi håller tummarna!!

2014-01-15, 21:28
Det har ju varit dåligt med uppdatering här, men det går ju fortsatt bra för MINI-folket i Sydamerika. Peterhansel har tagit in på ledande Roma under tionde etappen:
ANTOFAGASTA, Chile, Jan 15, 2014 (AFP) - Dakar Rally results following Wednesday's 10th stage, a 688km ride from Iquique to Antofagasta in Chile with 631km timed:

1. Nasser Al-Attiyah (QAT/Mini) 4hr 23min 35sec, 2. Stephane Peterhansel (FRA/Mini) at 3min 50sec, 3. Nani Roma (ESP/Mini) 13:45, 4. Giniel De Villiers (RSA/Toyota) 28:15, 5. Krzysztof Holowczyc (POL/Mini) 31:13, 6. Vladimir Vasilyev (RUS/Mini) 33:22, 7. Orlando Terranova (ARG/Mini) 33:48, 8. Lucio Alvarez (ARG/Ford) 43:01, 9. Federico Villagra (ARG/Mini) 45:06, 10. Christian Lavieille (FRA/Haval) 49:34.

1. Nani Roma (ESP/Mini) 38hr 52min 57sec, 2. Stephane Peterhansel (FRA/Mini) at 2min 15sec, 3. Nasser Al-Attiyah (QAT/Mini) 46:01, 4. Giniel De Villiers (RSA/GER/Toyota) 1hr 14min 16sec, 5. Orlando Terranova (ARG/Mini) 1hr 14:36, 6. Krzysztof Holowczyc (POL/Mini) 3hr 17:31, 7. Marek Dabrowski (POL/Toyota) 4hr 03:57, 8. Christian Lavieille (FRA/Haval) 4hr 32:45, 9. Adam Malysz (POL/Toyota) 4hr 51:03, 10. Martin Kaczmarski (POL/Mini) 5hr 33:54.

2014-01-16, 21:09
Nu ser det ut som om Peterhansel hålls tillbaka i Dakarrallyts slutskede - MINI-stallet verkar inte vilja riskera att han satsar för mycket för att komma förbi Roma i slutprotokollet, utan hellre säkra alla tre pallplatserna. Det har tydligen också lett till missnöjda kommentarer från arrangörerna.
Här är nyhetsbyrån AFP:s rapportering ikväll:

EL SALVADOR, Chile, Jan 16, 2014 (AFP) - Stephane Peterhansel surrendered all hope of winning a 12th Dakar Rally title on Thursday when he was told not to jeopardise Mini's push for a podium sweep, robbing the gruelling race of a thrilling finish.
The Frenchman, who has six motorcycle triumphs and five wins on four wheels in the race, finished the 11th stage from Antofagasta to El Salvador in Chile -- at an overall 605km, the longest of the event -- in fourth place, 14min 14sec behind stage winner Orlando Terranova.
Mini teammate, and overall leader, Nani Roma was second on the day, just over three minutes ahead of Peterhansel.
Spanish driver Roma leads the race by 5min 32sec with just two stages to race.
"The game is over. We've had a good laugh and enjoyed ourselves," said Peterhansel, who failed to disguise his frustration at the decision.
"The team asked us to not take any more risks. It's a bit frustrating because we've done most of the hard work. But, if Mini wants to have three cars on the podium, at the speed at which we are driving out in front, it's easy to crash a car or even two in just one day.
"We know that this can happen, but I didn't think that they would do it."
In the motorcycling section, Spain's Marc Coma, on a KTM, won his third stage of the 2014 event and now leads Joan Barreda on a Honda by a comfortable 52min 36sec.
Barreda was fifth on the stage but saw his campaign to hunt down Coma hindered by losing all of his navigational instruments.
"It was a very long day. I had a little fall at the start, but it wasn't serious," said Coma.
"After that, I tried to maintain a good pace. The important thing is still being here in the race and also to be careful, because there is still one tough day left."

EL SALVADOR, Chile, Jan 16, 2014 (AFP) - Dakar Rally results on Thursday after the 11th stage from Antofagasta to El Salvador in Chile (749km/605km timed):

1. Orlando Terranova (ARG/Mini) 5hr 58min 00, 2. Nani Roma (ESP/Mini) 10:57, 3. Giniel De Villiers (RSA/Toyota) 12:38, 4. Stephane Peterhansel (FRA/Mini) 14:14, 5. Nasser Al-Attiyah (QAT/Mini) 20:57, 6. Ronan Chabot (FRA/Smg) 30:18, 7. Federico Villagra (ARG/Mini) 33:55, 8. Lucio Alvarez (ARG/Ford) 35:38, 9. Krzysztof Holowczyc (POL/Mini) 38:17, 10. Vladimir Vasilyev (RUS/Mini) 39:06.

Overall standings (after 11 stages):
1. Nani Roma (ESP/Mini) 45h 01min 54sec, 2. Stephane Peterhansel (FRA/Mini) 5:32, 3. Nasser Al-Attiyah (QAT/Mini) 56:01, 4. Orlando Terranova (ARG/Mini) 1 h 03:39, 5. Giniel De Villiers (RSA/Toyota) 1 h 15:57, 6. Krzysztof Holowczyc (POL/Mini) 3 h 44:51, 7. Vladimir Vasilyev (RUS/Mini) 6 h 34:57, 8. Federico Villagra (ARG/Mini) 7 h 53:55, 9. Ronan Chabot (FRA/Smg) 11 h 24:49, 10. Lucio Alvarez (ARG/Ford) 15 h 35:00.

2014-01-17, 18:20
Inressant utveckling när nu 12:e etappen avgjorts. (Idag både fransk och engelsk läsövning :woot:)

Classement de la 12e étape :
1. Stephane Peterhansel/Jean Paul Cottret (FRA/FRA/Mini) 3 h 38:19.
2. Nasser Al-Attiyah/Lucas Cruz (QAT/ESP/Mini) 3:38.
3. Nani Roma/Michel Périn (ESP/FRA/Mini) 5:58.
4. Giniel De Villiers/Dirk Von Zitzewitz (RSA/GER/Toyota) 10:48.
5. Krzysztof Holowczyc/Konstantin Zhiltsov (POL/RUS/Mini) 18:06.
6. Ronan Chabot/Gilles Pillot (FRA/FRA/Smg) 18:24.
7. Boris Garafulic/Gilles Picard (CHI/FRA/Mini) 25:26.
8. Lucio Alvarez/Bernardo Graue (ARG/ARG/Ford) 26:15.
9. Orlando Terranova/Paulo Fiuza (ARG/POR/Mini) 29:50.
10. Christian Lavieille/Jean-Pierre Garcin (FRA/FRA/Haval) 31:09.

Classement général après la 12e étape :
1. Stephane Peterhansel/Jean Paul Cottret (FRA/FRA/Mini) 48 h 45:45.
2. Nani Roma/Michel Périn (ESP/FRA/Mini) 26.
3. Nasser Al-Attiyah/Lucas Cruz (QAT/ESP/Mini) 54:07.
4. Giniel De Villiers/Dirk Von Zitzewitz (RSA/GER/Toyota) 1 h 21:13.
5. Orlando Terranova/Paulo Fiuza (ARG/POR/Mini) 1 h 27:57.
6. Krzysztof Holowczyc/Konstantin Zhiltsov (POL/RUS/Mini) 3 h 57:25.
7. Marek Dabrowski/Jacek Czachor (POL/POL/Toyota) 5 h 26:09.
8. Christian Lavieille/Jean-Pierre Garcin (FRA/FRA/Haval) 5 h 34:59.
9. Martin Kaczmarski/Filipe Palmeiro (POL/POR/Mini) 6 h 55:33.
10. Vladimir Vasilyev/Vitaliy Yevtyekhov (RUS/UKR/Mini) 7 h 00:59.

Rallying: Peterhansel takes shock Dakar lead

LA SERENA, Chile, Jan 17, 2014 (AFP) - Stephane Peterhansel snatched the lead on the Dakar Rally's penultimate stage on Friday, just 24 hours after his Mini team had ordered him to abandon his challenge.
The French driver, who has six career wins in the motorcycling section of the gruelling marathon and five on four wheels, now looks certain to claim a 12th title on Saturday's final stage.
Overnight leader Nani Roma had a 5min 32sec advantage over his Mini teammate Peterhansel going into the 12th stage from El Salvador to La Serena in Chile.
And with Qatar's Nasser Al-Attiyah in third, Mini ordered all three drivers to hold their positions on Friday to guarantee a team podium sweep.
But Roma lost pace throughout the day after suffering a puncture, leaving Peterhansel with a 26-second overall lead going into Saturday's final 157km timed run into Valparaiso.
"It was a bizarre stage," said Peterhansel. "I even did a U-turn to ask Nani if he wanted to go in front in the dunes, but he didn't want to.
"The strategy hasn't changed. The instructions will perhaps be reissued tonight and we will listen to them."
Roma said his Mini had suffered a puncture after just 20km of the 350km stage.
The Spaniard then added to the mystery of who knew what when he said he wasn't aware of any team orders.
"I said last night that I hadn't received the instructions and you saw that today," he explained.
"The race is still open and we will see what happens on Saturday."
Race organisers had said Thursday they were "disappointed" and "shocked" by Mini's team orders.
"We haven't been informed of this decision by the team manager of Mini," said race director Etienne Lavigne.
"But we are disappointed, clearly, because it is not in the spirit of the competition. It's a little shocking. It's not fair.
"If I was being mean, I would say to Mini that they can collect the trophy immediately. Fighting without risk is triumph without glory."
In the motorcycling event on Friday, five-time champion Cyril Despres, on a Yamaha, took his second stage of the 2014 race with Spain's overall leader Marc Coma, on a KTM, in second spot.
Coma has an overall lead of almost two hours on compatriot Jordi Viladoms, also on a KTM.
"Today was a very long stage, 350 km. This means it is always tough, difficult and not easy for navigating. From the past we know that normally this stage is decisive," said Coma.
"For tomorrow, there is still 150km and this is a lot. It's like I'm fighting for myself to be focused."

2014-01-19, 01:28
Som väntat trippel för MINI

Eftersom jag inte jobbat under lördagen har jag ingen utförligare resultatredovisning (den finns säkert på nätet, men jag har inte orkat leta...) men här kommer TT:s rapportering:

Nani Roma fick vinna Dakarrallyt

Stockholm (TT)

Teamorder gjorde att spanjoren Nani Roma tio år efter sin seger i mc-klassen kunde ta sin första seger i bilklassen när Dakarrallyt avslutades på lördagen. Roma låg 26 sekunder bakom franske teamkollegan Stéphane Peterhansel inför slutetappen till Valparaiso i Chile men Mini-teamet ville ha Roma som segrare och Peterhansel fick snällt stanna till och vänta in Roma.

Förutom Roma och Peterhansel fick Mini-stallet även in Nasser Al-Attiyah, Qatar, på tredje plats.

Roma, 41, är nu en av tre som vunnit både mc-klassen och bilklassen i den klassiska tävlingen. Men Roma har dock en bit upp till Peterhansels totalt elva slutsegrar varav sex i mc-klassen. Hubert Auriol är den tredje som lyckats vinna båda klasserna.

I motorcykelklassen tog spanjoren Marc Coma sin fjärde totalseger. De tidigare kom 2006, 2009 och 2011.

13:e etappen (157 km), bil:
1) Giniel De Villiers, Sydafrika, 1.57.07, 2) Krzysztof Holowczyc, Polen, Mini, +0.23, 3) Vladimir Vasiljev, Ryssland, Mini, +0.41.

1) Nani Roma, Spanien, Mini, 50.44.58, 2) Stephane Peterhansel, Frankrike, Mini, +5.38, 3) Nasser al-Attiyah, Qatar, Mini, +56.52.

2014-01-19, 06:18
Ett fantastiskt resultat, man är lite extra stolt att vara MINIförare en dag som denna :happy:
En fråga är hur de ska kunna toppa det här i Dakar 2015?

2014-01-20, 14:50
Kul! :)